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Cleveland Lakes
visitor development strategy

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  Cotswold Water Park

The Cotswold Water Park, on the border between Gloucestershire and Wiltshire, covers 40 square miles, with over 140 lakes, many of them dedicated to wildlife or water sports.

The Cotswold Water Park Society has begun an ambitious project at Cleveland Lakes, to develop this multi-lake complex as a conservation area, sports centre and visitor destination. The Society has commissioned JDD Consulting to help define the strategy, based on an evaluation of the potential of the site and recommendations for development.

Objectives of the Cleveland Lakes project include:

  • To provide a multi-regional / national venue for paddle sports (rowing, canoeing, etc.)
  • To encourage active public participation in water sports
  • To enlarge the wildlife conservation areas, attractive to migrating birds and make them accessible to the public
  • To extend and enrich the Water Park's 'art in the landscape' programme
  • To create and enhance footpaths and cycle trails, including accessible circuits for families